Are You Searching for Patient Care Attendants at Home? - Navi Mumbai free Classified ad


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Are You Searching for Patient Care Attendants at Home?

Posted by: CareOxy ,   Palava City
Navi Mumbai
Service Available  : 11-Jul-2024
Do you need a caretaker for your loved ones? Don’t worry, we are here for you! At Careoxy, we provide the Best Attendant Services at Home in Delhi, ensuring top-notch care for patients or seniors right in the comfort of your own home.
Our Services Include:
Diaper Care, Bedpan & Urinal Assistance
Assistance with Hygiene, Grooming & Dressing
Oral Hygiene and Bed Bath/Sponge Bath
Light Massage (10-15 mins) Twice a Day
Washing Clothes in the Machine
Oral Medication Administration
Companionship & Comfort
Mobility Assistance & Fall Prevention
Oral Feeding Assistance
Light Exercises as Guided by Doctor
Bedridden Patient Care (Repositioning)
Digital BP/Pulse/Temp. Monitoring
Reminder for Taking Oral Medicines
Urine Bag Emptying
Catheter Hygiene & Urine Bag Care
Our caretaker Attendants At Home support you like a family member. Our healthcare attendants are carefully screened, and we conduct thorough background checks to ensure the best home care services. Our experienced team considers all your requirements to assign the best home attendant or nurse for your home.

Call us now to get service: +91-9773838272

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